Learn to Sing with Andy and Elizabeth Zharoff

Find your voice and improve your singing with expert teacher Elizabeth Zharoff, founder of the YouTube channel The Charismatic Voice.

Learn to sing like a pro!

  • Proven method for learning how to use the voice correctly
  • Pitch, theory and vocal techniques all covered 
  • Learn essential tips to help create great singing foundations
  • Includes top quality audio exercise tracks to assist lessons 

About this course

Find your voice and improve your singing with expert teacher Elizabeth Zharoff, from learning exactly how to warm up, use your body correctly to reinforce the voice and all the needed techniques to improve. 

Included in this course

13 crystal clear videos

Let Elizabeth guide you through all lessons that focus on correcting old vocal habits and to create better foundations for your voice

Exercises and audio tracks

Use vocal exercises at anytime to quickly recall and assist your vocal learning

Learn with Elizabeth and Andy!

Watch Andy be taught two full vocal lessons and see the exercises and techniques in this course brought to life.