Lesson 6 - Essential Songs for Level 1

Essential chord progressions for Level 1

Here I will list the chord sequences you should practice for this level. These are the essential sequences you should to be able to play before moving on to the next level. Some of these are the same or similar to certain songs at each level of the course, and I’ll name the songs as we go.

Chord sequence 1 (Similar to ’For What It’s Worth’)

strum 5

Strum an E chord on every beat to a slow count. This should also be done along with Andy in the video above. As with all these chord sequences, repeat this a few times to an even count

Chord sequence 2 (Similar to ‘Silence is Easy’)

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Play 2 bars of E and 2 bars of A, strumming on the beat for around 2 minutes

Chord sequence 3 (Similar to ‘Love Me Do’ and ‘Three is a Magic Number’)

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Play 2 beats of E then 2 beats of A on the beat to an even count for around 2 minutes, then do this along to the drumbeat.

If you have an electric guitar and Amp, try either of the U2 ones –Elevation or When Love Comes To Town so you can crank the overdrive!

Now lets make sure your practicing the right things in the next lesson - practice routine for level 1!

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Next Up: Lesson 7 - Practice Routine for Level 1

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