lesson 2 of Mikes Texas Blues course where we continue our study of Lightnin' Hopkins. Here we'll play the same 12 bar blues in the key of E, but add more lead content.
Welcome to lesson 2 of this Texas Blues course where we continue our study of Lightnin' Hopkins.
Here we'll play the same 12 bar blues in the key of E, but adding more lead content while still keeping the rhythm going in between our lead lines. This was what Lightnin' Hopkins, among countless other blues players, was most known for. This is a wonderful thing to learn as it means you don't need a backing track or backing band for your guitar playing to sound complete. Our rhythm parts, percussive elements and lead line choices can give the impression of more than one guitar playing - so let's learn how to do that!
Lightnin' Hopkins 2 - interactive tab
N.B. Activate the fretboard graphic on the tab above to see scales, chords and neck shapes brought to life!
Scale used - E blues scale
Primarily the lead notes from this jam use the E blues scale, which adds just 1 note to the E minor pentatonic from the last lesson, highlighted below in light blue.

Blue = notes from shape 1. Orange = notes from shape 2
Light blue = Blues scale note