12 Songs of Christmas - Course Advice

Welcome to this 12 songs of Christmas Series Vol.1!

For each song in this series, we are using the acoustic guitar and learning some of the most fundamental chords to learn 12 full songs!

Here is a quick explainer video to help in getting the most from this video series.

Learning these very familiar and sing-along-friendly songs is a great way to practice the fundamentals of music such as rhythm, melody, some harmony. We also start thinking about the whole concept of chords, scales (more in Vol.2) and how real songs we love are made. The knowledge gained from this series, will be of huge help when learning songs in Vol.2 or when you start your journey on the Beginner course!

This course is ideal for those totally new to playing guitar or for those with some experience.

Grab your guitar and get festive with these songs!

Next Up: Song 1 - O Christmas Tree

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.