Learn a major scale ‘shape’ that we can move up and down the neck to play in different ‘Keys’.
So that we can play this scale in ANY key, we need to learn it in a higher position on the neck. This means we can learn this one shape, and move it up or down the neck to play it in any key! The most popular and common position to do this is Position 1. C major scale in position 1 is shown below.

The first note on the thickest string should be played with the middle finger (strange if you are note used to it). The little finger is also used on every string, making it tougher to learn than the minor pentatonic.
If you really, really struggle with playing this, try out some finger exercises from the practice section at the start of this course first to get your fingers to coordinate better.
From this lesson onwards, the focus is far more on creativity and smaller patterns on the fretboard. So please, put the time in now to learn this scale correctly and you will reap the rewards later in this course!!
Interactive TAB - Key Learning Points