03 Introduction to Triads Part 1

Course: Chords, Triads & CAGED

In this video

What is a triad? 

A triad is the name given to the three notes that make up any standard major or minor chord. The notes that make up any major chord are always the first, third and fifth notes of the scale that shares its name with the chord e.g. C major scale and C major chord. They are also the best way to begin learning note names and chord shapes all over the neck.

When we strum a guitar chord, we are playing these three notes only, but this can include the octaves of these notes (higher pitch but the same letter names!) 

Example; The notes the make up a standard C major chord are; C E G C E

This is shown in the first line of TAB below in #1.

#2 shows how these same notes (essentially just C E and G) can be played higher up the neck using familiar shapes, give it a try!

Next Up: 04 Introduction to Triads Part 2

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