This ‘Jamming’ section of the Intermediate course aims to answer any questions you have so far and consolidate your skills and knowledge you have gained. Here we Jam in the key of E Major.
E major scale
E - F# - G# - A – B - C# - D#
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chords in the Key of E
E - F#m - G#m – A – B - C#m (D also common)
I ii iii IV V vi

Interactive TAB - Essential Music Theory Points
Here we have taken the essential music theory points from the lesson video and synced them to tab for easy learning! This clip shows how the notes from the major scale give us all the chords in the key of E major.
Example chord progression 1
|E |B |C#m |A |
Example chord progression 2
|E |F#m | G#m |A B |
Here's position 1 of the E major scale, which i would recommend you use for your lead improvisation as well as the other items listed in the video above.
Interactive TAB - Jamming examples
Here we have tabbed out the improvisation examples from the lesson video, which is synced to video for easy learning! These can be used as inspiration for you own jams, or learn them note for note to get you started.
Song examples;
Blues/ Rock (E minor pentatonic based) song examples;
Keep Learning
Want to learn more about how to improvise your own lead guitar lines?
When you finish this module, keep learning lead guitar with my new course Lead Guitar 1
> Click here to go to Lead Guitar 1