AAA member shoutouts - 16th September

Course: Member Bonus videos

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In this video

A quick shoutout to all the most recent members and also those that have signup up for their 2nd year of premium membership. You guys are who I do all of this for!

This video is just a quick shoutout to all the most recent AAA members and also those that have signup up for their 2nd year of premium membership. you guys are who I do all of this for - so I though it would be nice to give as many of you as possible a shoutout. Apologies for the people I inevitably miss!

Welcome to the latest AAA members!

Phoebe Kiboi, Nancy Wang, Rodger Bazinet, Carlie Biesinger, Michael Berry, André Lobão, Greg Roberts, Abbi Smith, Lynn Simpson, John Bowes, Chelsea Kibert, Indy Clark, Anthony O' Brien, Antonio Avraamindes, Robyn Oated and Antony C - hello and welcome!

A huge THANK YOU to yearly members who have re-subscribed!

More than anything, I proud to know that people who have taken out the yearly membership for a second year are in this for the long run, which means they really believe in what we will do in the future. That gives me the confidence to take on bigger challenges and pushes me to make this website as good as possible and help you guys as much as I can!

Trevor Buttle, Alistair King, Simon Baily, Patrick Lepore, James Sparrow, Wesley Roland, Mathew Nadal, Ed B, Bill Cummings, Matt Bourland, Lyn Carter, Christi Oosse, Clifford Filer, James Sabroff, Peter Jungworth, Tony Hallows, Richard Ellis, Richard Shaw, Alan Stokes, Hugo Kooiman, Leslie Standish, Shane Means, Douglas Slater, David Smith, Francesco Pogaccini. Shaun Griffiths, Andy Jimenez, Jon Mowberry, Mark Stokes, Donald Bradley, Carl Gearing, Peter McGhee, Michael Garland, David Dieterle, Steve Parker, Karl Sanger, Josh McCall, Ross Curtis, Mark Freebury, Tim Phillimeano, Douglas Tally, Nicholas Guiterrez, Lorraine Bridden, Derek Turner, Jason Turley, Nicholas Bates, Shuan Clarke, Jim Wood David Murphy, Michael Johnson, Harry Butcher and Amy Hill - thank you for believing in us!

A final special mention to Keshav, who has started his own YouTube channel of acoustic covers, singing and performing! Check out his channel by clicking the video below

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Next Up: AAA exclusive - Singing & performance tips!

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.

Course Outline

Member Bonus videos

EARLY ACCESS - Learn Van Halen style two hand tapping
Top 5 Strumming Patterns for Acoustic Guitar
COURSE PREVIEW - Learn Texas Blues with Mike Bradley
EARLY ACCESS - AC/DC Angus Young player study
EARLY ACCESS - T-Bone Walker blues lesson
EARLY ACCESS - Stevie Ray Vaughan player study
EARLY ACCESS - Pentatonic workout for lead & rhythm guitar
EARLY ACCESS - Keith Richards player study
EARLY ACCESS - Carol Of The Bells
EARLY ACCESS - How to play 'The Lick'
COURSE PREVIEW - Learn How To Shred With Sam Bell
E Minor Pentatonic Scale All 5 Positions w/ interactive TAB
COURSE PREVIEW - Advanced Fingerstyle with Jarvis
1 hour chat with John Mayer's guitar teacher Tomo Fujita!
Songwriting Tips and Advice - 40 min video
AAA Backstage 10th Sept - What I'm practicing this week!
Who's the best BLUES guitarist EVER? w/ Mike Bradley
AAA member shoutouts - 16th September
AAA exclusive - Singing & performance tips!
AAA Q&A - String muting help!
Play Electric Guitar? - Learn THIS!
How Do I make Youtube Videos? - Interview with Waterbear Music Collage
Jarvis Guitar - Full 2 hour chat!
AAA member song request! "Caroline" by Two Degrees
How We Wrote Our Christmas Song - bonus videos!
AAA live Q&A - Saturday 8th Jan 2022
AAA live Q&A - 8pm GMT Saturday 15th Jan 2022 - join me live!
Oasis Songs With The Same EASY Chords As 'Wonderwall'
AAA live Q&A - 12 noon Saturday 22nd Jan 2022 - join me live!
Play 3 GREEN DAY songs with just 3 CHORDS!
AAA Live Q&A - Monday 21st Feb 6pm GMT
Play 10 Elvis Songs with 3 Chords!
Play 5 Rolling Stones songs with 3 chords
10 Chart Songs With 4 Chords - Feb 2022
Play 5 Rolling Stones songs with 4 chords
Play 5 Johnny Cash songs with 3 EASY chords
10 Buddy Holly guitar songs for beginners
Why Danny Elfman is my favourite film composer
How I got started teaching guitar - Interview 31/03/2022
Play 10 OASIS Songs with Easy Chords
I Saw Her Standing There - Live Beatles cover
Johnny B. Goode - Live Chuck Berry cover
Satisfaction - Live Rolling Stones cover
Livestream July 4th - Festival songs & Led Zeppelin
Livestream 5th July - Songs from the movies
Livestream 11th July - Festival songs and intermediate techniques
12 Campfire Summer Sing-along Songs for acoustic guitar
Get inspired with THIS!
Access All Areas check in - 8th Feb 2023
Access All Areas check in - 27th Feb 2023
5 Minute Picking Workout For Beginners ft. Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) by Green Day
Song we wrote on Monday's AAA livestream!
Leeds band rehearsal vlog
Learn To Remember Songs & Chord Progressions Like A Pro!
Introducing Open Mic Sundays!
The Rolling Stones - Angry (new songs for 2023!)
Rhythm Masterclass - How to nail strumming patterns and work out rhythms by ear
How to stay motivated when learning guitar
How to play with rhythm and feel
Brighton Jam Slam!
How to play Blues Guitar; Delta, Chicago, Electric & Blues Rock!
3 Quick Fingerstyle Tips & 3 Things To Practice!
New hand wound pickups in my D'Angelico DC guitar!
Top 5 Fingerstyle Songs To Learn + how to memorise finger picking songs
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