In this video
I break down various songs including how to get the right guitar sound. As always, I take song requests and check in with members.
In this livestream replay, I break down various electric guitar songs including how to get the sound on various guitars, amps and pedals. As always, we take song requests, check in with members about what they are practicing this week and give advice and motivation.
Connect with Andy and other AAA members between live sessions with the Andy Guitar AAA Discord community - the link is on the membership page here.
Tutorial links on topics covered in this video;
The Rolling Stones -Start Me Up & Brown Sugar
Triads and the CAGED System(intermediate chords)
The Smiths - This Charming Man
[00:00:00] - Checking in with the comments, welcoming viewers.
[00:01:00] - Discussing what viewers have been playing on guitar.
[00:02:21] - Discussing 12-string guitars and the challenges they present.
[00:03:27] - Discussing Rolling Stones songs and the "Last Time" in particular.
[00:06:23] - Discussing electric guitar questions and effects.
[00:10:42] - Playing and discussing the "Last Time" by the Rolling Stones.
[00:16:46] - Discussing the benefits of resting the guitar on the knee.
[00:17:45] - Discussing the "Last Time" as a standard Rolling Stones song.
[00:18:07] - Discussing starting with pedals and achieving specific guitar tones.
[00:24:43] - Demonstrating the use of a multi-effects pedal.
[00:29:24] - Discussing the importance of foot tapping when learning guitar.
[00:31:46] - Discussing the use of a whammy bar and its effects.
[00:32:54] - Discussing the difference between a whammy bar and a whammy pedal.
[00:35:18] - Discussing the use of whammy bars in different guitar styles.
[00:39:28] - Discussing the importance of learning triads and their applications.
[00:39:50] - Triads and their importance for guitarists
[00:40:12] - Discussing the "Cage System" and playing chords across the fretboard
[00:40:48] - Triads used by rhythm guitarists, not just lead players
[00:41:21] - Triads for filling in between vocal parts
[00:42:05] - Learning songs like "This Charming Man" to understand triad usage
[00:44:05] - Explaining the "Cage System" and playing chords in different positions
[00:45:02] - Transitioning between open chords and bar chords
[00:46:41] - Difficulty of strumming with open chords vs. bar chords
[00:47:53] - Exploring different guitar tones and textures
[00:49:12] - Importance of slowing down to learn new concepts
[00:50:19] - Jangly guitar tones and their use in certain styles
[00:51:36] - Suggestions for Rolling Stones songs to learn
[00:53:45] - Importance of restraint and dynamics when playing Rolling Stones songs
[00:54:47] - Demonstrating a "Start Me Up" style riff
Join me here on the website for weekly live sessions where we can work directly on your playing & give the feedback needed for you to move forward and get inspired!
Every week we cover topics such as;
How to make the most of your practice time
Songs and exercises at your level and based on your music taste
How you can stay motivated and maximise your progress
You can also request a tutorial for a song YOU want to learn and Andy will teach it during the session live! Each live stream is automatically available as a replay so you can catch up anytime and never miss a beat!

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