Guitar Wisdom From John Mayer's Guitar Teacher - Tomo Fujita

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In this video

I had the opportunity to chat with guitar educator Tomo Fujita and create some guitar lesson content together.

Click Here to watch the full 1 hour chat!

Tomo has been teaching guitar at Berklee College of Music since 1993. He taught John Mayer in 1 to 1 lessons during Mayer's time at Berklee in 1998.

10 years later in 2008, John Mayer came back to Berklee to give a guitar clinic, and Tomo accompanied him during these lessons, many of which you can watch in the videos embedded further down this page!

Tomo’s philosophy, distilled into a one-liner, is that music is not just about playing; it’s about emotional expression. He teaches students to inject emotion into every phrase, whether the style is blues, jazz, funk or rock.

For more lessons from Tomo - check out his Guitar Wisdom website here and his youtube channel here

See a selection of videos with Tomo and John Mayer below, plenty to learn from watching these too!

John Mayer & Tomo Fujita - Blue jam at Berklee

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Gravity performance - John Mayer & Tomo Fujita

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"How To Build A Guitar Solo" - Berklee Clinic 2008

Check out 4:27 for Tomo's solo!

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Tomo Fujita on the Backstage Podcast with Rhett Shull

Finally, here's an interview with Tomo on the fantastic Backstage podcast with Rhett Shull - highly recommended!

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