CAGED system G shape

Course: Complete Guide To The CAGED System

In this video

Playing the C chord using the G shape

This lesson looks at the C chord in the G shape.

This one isn't as hard as you might think - we're not playing a full G shape over all 6 strings, just a few of the notes from it. Many of the licks here are the same as with the Major Pentatonic Scale, but we're choosing to centre around the notes highlighted on the fretboard diagram for this lesson.

Lesson aims

  1. Learn to play the C chord with the G shape
  2. Practice using the G shape to transition between the A shape and the E shape
  3. Try using this shape in other keys

C major chord in the G shape

Exercise 4 - Playing around the C chord in the G shape

Next Up: CAGED system E shape

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.

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